Custom 87

5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating

Custom 87


Dear lovers ,

here the script :

Important: Normal underwear including bra, please
Not too sexy!

1. Victoria opening – 1 minute

Start with Victoria alone in the apartment. She is talking on the phone in her native language. It’s her first day living here. She’s talking to a family member about how the move was, how she likes the new place and stuff.

As she’s talking, there’s a knock/ring at the door. She goes to answer it and ends her phone call.

2. Oliver + Victoria – 1 minute or so

The visitor is you. You introduce yourself and shake hands. You explain that you’re the person who lived in this flat before, you just moved out yesterday, and you think you might have left your phone here. You ask if you can look for it.

Victoria is nice and polite but reluctant (because you seem a little creepy), and says she doesn’t think it’s here.

Then you quickly say “oh, I just remembered I left it at my friend’s house, never mind”, then you start asking her if she needs help with anything, offer to show her around the neighborhood, ask if she has dinner plans — you’re friendly and cheerful but it’s obvious you just wanted to hit on her.

She still tries to be as polite as she can, but she is definitely not interested.

You don’t persist too much. You cheerfully shake her hand again and say “nice meeting you”, etc. and you leave.

3. Gina + Victoria talking – 5 minutes ?

Then Gina, the next door neighbor, comes to the door to welcome Victoria. They shake hands and introduce themselves. Victoria is glad it’s not the creepy guy again! She invites Gina to come in.

Gina agrees that the guy who lived here before was weird, and she is happy to have a new neighbor.

They have a nice visit, maybe Gina tells Victoria some stuff about the building and neighborhood, they ask each other friendly questions and have natural conversation. [They are just normal girls, no sexy stuff!] [Several minutes of talking would be great, hopefully having some laughs and showing natural personality].

4. Interruption/KO – 2 minutes ?

[Like my other customs, a pretty long single take before and after the KO would be great! With the camera always staying on the girls.] They are in the middle of talking, hopefully smiling and being expressive, when they are cut off mid-sentence by you sneaking up and gassing them (or smoke, any quick method).

You spend a minute or two without taking off any clothes. Just moving them however you like, and sometimes just looking at them.

5. Partial Stripping/Playing – 5 minutes or more

You don’t take off your own clothes yet! You start to gradually strip the girls, but only partially, no removing underwear yet.

You flop their bodies onto the floor.

You make them touch each other.

Maybe make them kiss each other.

You sometimes rest and leave them in a limp pose for extra moments while the camera stays on them.

As a bonus, I love when the mouths stay open :)

6. Bras off – 2 minutes or so

You still don’t take off your own clothes yet, but now you take off their bras. (Not panties yet!)
Move them however you want, leave them in a limp pose. (Again open mouth is a bonus).

7. Sexy Time

Now you don’t hold back anymore! You take off your clothes and do any sex stuff of your choice. Foot stuff too, anything you like!

Please make up any poses you like here, and strip off the rest of their clothes and panties at your leisure.

Whatever you have time for, while leaving enough time for these last items:

8. Second Best Position

Hand stays resting at the other girl’s pussy while you do sex stuff to both girls.

9. Best Position

[By now they’re completely naked.]
All the stuff in this position in Custom 79 was perfect. Doing them from both sides and also going back and forth between pussy and mouth. Would love if you can do the same thing again.

10. Drool

One girl drooling all over the other would be an awesome bonus. The more drool the better! Could be saliva as well as cum.

11. Ending shot – 2 minutes or more?

You leave the girls in a limp pose of your choice. Can we have the camera stay on the girls for a couple minutes after you depart?

Enjoy :)

4 k 60 fps Sony lens 14 mn
1h50 37s
25giga 23 mo

Reviews (1)

1 review for Custom 87

  1. 5 out of 5

    Excellent acting and action. Great work as always!

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